1. About Biorhythms A biorhythm is a cyclical phenomena of biological activity. The most important three biorhythms that affect our human body are: Physical, Emotional and Intellectual biorhythms. Each of these three biorhythms is a sine wave starting at a zero point of the positive phase the moment of birth and fluctuating throughout our life. The physical biorhythm which controls our energy state cycles every 23 days. The emotional biorhythm is a 28-day cycle influencing our emotional aspects. The intellectual biorhythm cycles every 33 days and regulates our intellectual performance. Each biorhythm has three phases: High Days (Positive Phases): The period when a biorhythm curve is above the center line (x-axis). You are at your best during these times. Critical Days (Zero Days): Days when a biorhythm curve crosses the center line (x-axis) and you are in a transitional and unstable stage. Low Days (Negative Phases): The period when a biorhythm curve is bellow the center line (x-axis). 2. Life Cycles Version 2.0 Life Cycles is an application that you can use to view and query the states of biorhythms of physical, emotional and intellectual fluctuations for any day or any period, and to search for important dates such as dates when all three biorhythms reach highest points (Triple High), Double Critical days, or based on any other search patterns and search conditions you specify. You can use Add/Remove Person dialog box to view biorhythms of more than one person at the same time, query biorhythms of all people and search for common dates of search results of all people. You can enjoy your favorite AVI movie while viewing biorhythms by renaming your AVI file to "lifecyc.avi", and put it in the directory where Life Cycles files are. The movie is played in the lower right corner. This feature is not availble in OS/2 version. While you can take advantage of knowing your biorhythms in advance and plan for your days, use biorhythms as a guideline only. 3. File List lifent.exe: Life Cycles executable file for Windows NT, fully tested under Windows NT 3.51. life95.exe: Life Cycles executable file for Windows 95, not fully tested under Windows 95. Change of mouse cursor in different window areas is not supported. lifeos2.exe: Life Cycles executable file for OS/2 Warp 3.0, fully tested under OS/2 Warp for Windows, OS/2 Warp Full Pack. Help and movie etc. have not been supported. lifecyc.hlp: Life Cycles on-line help file for Windows NT, 95. lifecyc.cnt: Life Cycles help contents file for Windows NT, 95. readme.txt: This file. 4. Installation Unzip the lifecyc.zip and copy lifent.exe (or lifeos2.exe or life95.exe), lifecyc.hlp, lifecyc.cnt and readme.txt to the directory of your choice. 5. Hot Keys and Mouse Actions Life Cycles gives you three ways to perform actions: menu items, tool bar buttons (for Windows versions only), keyboard and mouse. Many actions can be done very easily by a mouse click or a hot key. +

Opens Add/Remove Person dialog box. Opens Go to Date dialog box. Goes to today's date. + Opens Search for Important Dates dialog box. Exits application. Moves curves and dates one day forward. Moves curves and dates one day backward. Moves curves and dates one week forward. Move curves and dates one week backward. Moves curves and dates one month forward. Moves curves and dates one month backward. Moves curves and dates one year forward. Moves curves and dates one year backward. Toggles on/off auto curve and date moving. + Toggles on/off grid display. *<1> Displays biorhythms in thin curves. *<2> Displays biorhythms in medium curves. *<3> Displays biorhythms in thick curves. * Stops movie playing in the whole window after Life Cycles starts. Note: Functions with * are not available for OS/2 version. 6. Distribution Life Cycles for Windows NT, 95 and OS/2 Warp are SHAREWARE. By installing the Shareware version(s) of this software the user implicitly agrees with the utilization rules described in this file and in Life Cycles help topic: Disclaimer. Permission to use, copy and distribute this software and documentation without fee is hereby granted, provided that the original zip file is distributed in its entirety and unmodified form. You are specifically prohibited from charging, or requesting donations, for any copies of Shareware version of this software, however made; and from distributing the software and/or documentation with other products (commercial or otherwise) without prior written permission. 7. DISCLAIMER THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED TO YOU "AS-IS" AND WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY WARRANTY OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. THE USER MUST ASSUME THE ENTIRE RISK OF USING THE SOFTWARE. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR OF THE SOFTWARE BE LIABLE TO YOU OR ANYONE ELSE FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, DIRECT, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OF ANY KIND, OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE POSSESSION, USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF THE AUTHOR HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES. 8. Contact the Author Send comments, bugs, suggestions to: qianh@sunrise.cse.fau.edu, or qian@acc.fau.edu